
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Advice, anyone?

Does anyone know of a good film I could show ninth graders to help them understand/connect with the theme "loss of innocence?"

I just received an offer to teach ninth grade English part-time with the district I've been substituting in. This will last until the end of January, at least, but I hope it might extend throughout the school year. I'm filling in for a teacher who just began a unit in which she planned to show a film that would help the students connect with the loss of innocence theme. Because the movie is rated R, she usually sends out a letter, gets parents' permission, and shows it. I want to find a clean, equally effective film to show, instead. Any ideas????

Students will be studying short stories, poems, song lyrics, The Tiger Rising, Romeo and Juliet, and To Kill a Mockingbird throughout the unit. What do you think, my friends?


  1. I'm not sure if this will really fit what you're looking for, but "A Little Princess" has a heart-wrenching loss of innocence when Sara's father has supposedly died and she loses everything... and it's all followed by a happy ending :) I think it would be school appropriate, but I'm not sure if it's really what you're looking for.

  2. Thoughts from my movie buff husband:

    "Life is Beautiful"--if you haven't seen it, do. It's this absolutely heartbreaking holocaust movie about a little Jewish boy in a concentration camp who actually doesn't lose his innocence because his dad works so hard to keep it that way. Incredible movie, & great for discussions.

    Scott also says to show the To Kill a Mockingbird movie with Gregory Peck--his class watched it after reading the book & had great compare/contrast discussions.

    I'm thinking just about any coming-of-age movies would work too; even something like Goonies or The Sandlot would work, because growing up always means some loss of innocence, no?

    I'll keep thinking!

  3. Thanks, girls!!! These are all great ideas that should help me out. I love having this blog to turn to for collaboration! Hope all is well for you! :)

  4. Bridge to Terabithia might work, too. The two friends have a great time playing pretend out in the woods. Then one of the friends dies and the other friend can't play pretend because he has grown up.

  5. To Kill A Mockingbird
