
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Post the First

Welcome to a work in progress! Hopefully, this blog will (soon!) become a place where the English Ed majors at BYU can come to dump lesson plans for sharing, post tips for getting a job, or generally write whatever seems to be salient and helpful at the moment.

Join the bandwagon! To collaborate and share on this blog:
  1. Sign up for a Blogger account at If you already have a Google account, such as a Gmail email address, you are already a Blogger account holder (Google owns Blogger).
  2. Email cathryn.matheson at gmail dot com and I'll add you to the party! In the subject line, mention "add to English blog," and make sure you include your Google/Blogger username somewhere in the message (it's the part of your Gmail address that comes before the @).
  3. Once you get the confirmation email, start posting! You can get started by copying and pasting your favorite lesson plans with "Lesson Plan: __(lesson title)__" as the post title. Come on, you know we all want them! Or share great websites you've found, news in the English Ed community, tips about jobs and hiring, or anything else on your mind.
Everyone is welcome. Send links to any and all who may be interested. Don't forget to send me links to your own blogs to put on the side here! ---->


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Cathryn. If folks will use this it will be very helpful for everyone. Professor Thursby
